Saturday, 16 February 2013

DMAIC Phase One - Define


My name is Pat O'Shea, welcome to the Lean Six Sigma Transform Project Blog. The purpose of the blog is to share updates on my Lean manufacturing project which I'm completing on a manufacturing line in the medical device facility where I work. The goal of this project is to increase by 50% the output of this manual assembly line staffed by 13 operators utilising existing resources. I will follow the DMIAC process to implement the project.

Lean Six Sigma Definition
Lean Six Sigma is a synergized managerial concept of Lean and Six Sigma that results in the elimination of the seven kinds of wastes/muda (classified as Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Over-Processing, and Defects, ) and provision of goods and service at a rate of 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) . A mnemonic for the wastes is "TIMWOOD".
More recently an 8th waste is sometimes added & listed as "underutilised human resources".
For more information on lean Six Sigma visit

Lean Six Sigma Road Map


In the define phase I used the process map tool in order to:
  • Define the current processes.
  • Build a step-by-step picture of the process for analysis, discussion & communication.
  • Identify potential areas for improvement in a process.
I found that process mapping tool was very useful in gaining a basic understanding of the process that I am about to start working on. It also proved useful to ensure that all team members have at least this same basic level of understanding of the process & to my surprise a few team members learned something they didn't already know just by looking that this basic flow chart.
I also used the team charter tool to:
  • Outline the scope, goals & deliverables of this lean improvment.
  • As the project deveops it wil provide early indications of risks or barriers to the success of the project.
I found this tool very useful for providing an outline plan which the team can focus on executing.


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