Wednesday 24 April 2013

DMAIC Phase Five - Control

Day By Hour Output Tracking

I calculated hourly targets for the line based off the constraint station and communicated the target for the line to the operators as a team with the line Team Leader. I then calculated the possible output for each operator based on the work content contained within their own workstation. I did this because I often see operators who, after there has been an issue on the line which results in a build up of WIP (Work In Process) before their station, continue to build only the hourly target for the line even if there is more capacity within their own workstation. I posted the targets on the last station on the line and asked the operator who works on that station to record hourly output on the tracker. This is a very useful tool in providing timely feedback which is visual for all to see.

Day By Hour Output Tracking

Standard Work Review Check Sheet

I trained the Line Team Lead to complete a daily standard work review using a check sheet. This standard work review is critical to ensuring that standard sequencing, standard inventory, standard layout & standard techniques are maintained on each of the workstations on the Transform line. This is an excellent tool however it is time consuming to complete a review which may take up to one hour to complete. It is challenging for a team lead to complete this every day, possibly on more than one production line, so we are now proposing training the Training, Engineering & Quality support functions to complete this activity also in an effort to spread the workload & keep each of the functions engaged in the Standard Work program.

Standard Work Review Check Sheet

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